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Nursing care in patients with Thrombophlebitis

         Thrombophlebitis is an invasion / expansion of pathogenic microorganisms that circulate in the bloodstream throughout the vein and its branches. Thrombophlebitis preceded by thrombosis, can occur in pregnancy but is more common in the puerperium.
• Changes in blood composition
• Changes in the rate of blood circulation
• Sores intema lining of blood vessels
Especially during pregnancy and childbirth when placenta detachment fibrinogen levels plays an important role in blood clotting increases so as to facilitate the onset of freezing.
Factors predisposing
• obstetric surgical history
• elderly
• Multi parity
• varices
• puerperal infection
Thrombosis can be found in the leg veins are also on the pelvic veins. Thrombosis of veins near the surface is usually accompanied by inflammation, so it is thrombophlebitis. The existence septikhema, can be proved by the breeding of germs from the blood.
Pelvio thrombophlebitis
Pelvio thrombophlebitis of the veins of the broad ligament and the uterine wall is the ovarian vein, uterine vein and vein hipogastika. These veins most commonly affected are the ovarian venous infections dextra expansion of the ovarian veins sinistra into the renal vein, while the expansion of infection dextra ovarian vein is the inferior vena cava.
• there is pain in the lower abdomen or belly side, raised on days 2-3 during childbirth with or without heat
• The patient is severely ill with an overview of the following characteristics:

  • repeatedly Shivering, shivering occurs very heavy (30-40 min) with intervals of only a few hours and sometimes 3 days. At the time the patient was shivering almost no heat.
  • Body temperature fluctuates sharply (36 C-40 C)
  • The disease can last for 1-3 months
  • Tends to form pus which spread everywhere, especially to the lungs
  • Overview of blood
  •  There is leukocytosis
To make a blood culture, blood was taken at the right moment before starting to shiver, blood cultures is very difficult to make because the bacteria are anaerobic.
 On examination hardly found anything because the most affected are the ovarian vein
  • Komplikais on lung infarction, abscess, pneumonia
  • Complications of kidney sinistra, the sudden pain followed by proteinuria and hematuria
  • Complications in the eyes, joints and subcutaneous tissues.
  • Hospitalization, bed rest for patients with symptomatic disease monitoring and prevention of pulmonary embolism.
  • Therapy medical, or heparin antibiotics if there are signs or allegations of pulmonary embolism
  • Therapy operati, increased inferior vena cava and ovarian vein if septic emboli continues until it reaches the lungs despite being made heparisasi
Femoral thrombophlebitis (Flegmasia dolens alba)
Femoral thrombophlebitis of the veins in the legs such as the femoral vein, popliteal vein and saphenous vein.
Edema on one leg most often caused by a thrombosis is a blood clot behind the possibility of a pulmonary embolism complications that usually result in death

Assessment clinics
  • general condition remains good, body temperature subfebris 7-10 days later both sudden temperature in approximately 10-20 days, accompanied by chills and aches all.
  • In one of the affected leg, will provide the following signs:
o Legs slightly in a state of flexion and rotation out and difficult to move, hotter than the other leg
o All parts of one of the veins in the legs feel tight and hard on the upper thigh
o Severe pain in the groin and thigh area
o Reflektorik will happen spasmus artery so that the feet become swollen, tense, and painful
o Edema sometimes happens always or after pain, usually located on the upper thigh but more often starting from the toes and ankles then extends from the bottom up
  1. Pain in the calf
  2. In the femoral vein thrombosis, vein may be palpable groin area
  3. Oedema of the legs can be demonstrated by measuring the circle of the calf and leg compared to the ther side of normal.

• Treatment
  1. legs elevated to reduce edema did compress the foot
  2. After mobilization should remain covered elastic legs or wear long socks elastic as long as possible
  3. Do not breast-feed, given the mother's condition was very bad
  4. antibiotic therapy and anti-analgesic