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implement bladder training

1. Preparing the client
  • Greetings therapeutic delivered to the client / family friendly upon meeting
  • Action plan described to the client / family understand
  • Plan validated program back
  • The need for tools and materials are identified
  • Readiness client be re-examined

2. Preparation tool
2.1. Prepare environment that supports the execution of maneuvers nurse
2.2. Instrument prepared, including:
  • Pot / bedpan
  • Nierbekken
  • Water Faucet
  • Alas potty (zeil)
  • Bottle of water cebok
  • Cotton wiping the tempamya
  • Paper closed when available
  • Sampiran (schrem) if necessary
  • Blankets bath
  • Talc
  • Hot and cold water in its place
  • Small towel (towel)
2.3. Tool neatly organized
2.4. Equipment was brought to a close patient

3. Implementation procedures
 3.1. The door was closed then sampiran (schrem) in pairs
3.2. pairs of blanket bath
3.3. Clothing patients bottom uninstalled. Then the body terbulka covered with a blanket or cloth cover
3.4. Set the lithotomy position (if necessary assisted by officers)
3.5. pedestal pot (zeil) installed
3.6. bedpan under the buttocks thrust until the patient is located. If the patient can not do it alone, the
      concierge helped bend the knees and lift the patient's hip with his left hand, while his right hand thrust
       potty officers so that, appropriate and comfortable position
3.7. Massage gently simpisis area by using talcum
3.8. If possible suggest drinking lots in a short time
3.9. Alternately compress symphysis area with warm water and cold water
3:10 If not successful urination genital area flush with cold water
3.11. If not well managed, if possible facilities, running water faucets expected perdengarkan patients can be
         encouraged to Urinate
3.12. When you are finished Urination, wiping patient
3.13. Trim patient
3.14. Organize tools - tools

4. Documenting actions
  • Documented patient response
  • The timing of the action
  • Documentation recorded with clear and readable
  • Documentation signed and clearly named