1.1. Greetings therapeutic delivered to the client / family
friendly upon meeting
friendly upon meeting
1.2. Action plan described to client families understand
1.3. Plan validated program kembaii
1.4. The need for tools and materials are identified
1.5. Readiness client be re-examined
2.1. Prepared with a complete tool: -Potty and lid Alas-potty -Bottle of water cebok - Cotton wiping the holder
- Paper closed
- Nierbekken
- Blankets bath or fabric cover
- Pengalas buttocks
- towels
- Handscoen
- Sampiran
2.3. Equipment was brought to a close patient
3. working procedures
- 3.1. installing sampiran
- 3.2. Nurses wash their hands before giving bedpan
- 3.3. Install blanket bath
- 3.4. Install base buttocks
- 3.5. Opening the bottom of the patient's clothing
- 3.6. Adjust the position of the patient, lithotomy position
- 3.7. Ask the patient to lift the buttocks, enter the chamber pot under the right buttock
- 3.8. Cover the patient
- 3.9. Patients are welcome CHAPTER
- 3.10. Provide bell near the patient
- 3.11. Leaving the patient or the patient's waiting in the room a bit. Away from the patient (depending on the state of the patient).
- 3.12. Nurses wearing handscoen