a. Conservative
1. Isolation:
Insert the catheter
2. Drugs:
Dextr-infusion 5%
- Valium 120gr/24jam
- MgSO4
- Litik cocktail:
- Largatil 50
- Pethidin 100
- Promethazine 50
Da n-convulsive coma
- Reaction to medication
- Diuresis
- Physical awareness
- Duration of 2 × 24 hours
4. consultation:
- Diseases in
- Eye disease
- Anesthesia
- Pediatrician
beerdasarkan clinical judgment labor induction
Solved amniotic
-Cesarean section
c. obstetric therapy
- 36 weeks or more after 24-48 hours if there is no obvious improvement of labor induction membranes break, drop oxytoksin.
- During labor: acceleration of labor, the membranes break, drop oxytoksin, forceps or vacuum delivery.
- Be dangerous to the fetus, placenta insuvisiensi, acute or chronic: amnioscopy, fetal monitoring records. Cesarean section after only the indication of fetal loss eclampsia.
Bine-Magnor (magnesium ascorbate) 20%, 20ml IM or IV.
-Magnesium can be given up to 5gr every 5-6 hours
Mg therapy stopped when the patellar tendon reflexes disappear or respiratory depression.
I. Nursing care