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give oxygen through a nasal canul

1. patient preparation
  • Greetings therapeutic delivered to the client / family friendly upon meeting
  • Action plan described to the client / family understand
  • Prograrn plan validated again
  • The need for tools and materials are identified
  • Readiness client be re-examined

2. preparation tool
2.1. Prepared with a complete tool

  • Nasal Canula
  • Oxygen tubing (hose O)
  • Humidifier
  • Sterile Water
  • Tube O (source O) and flowmeter
  • Label "No Smoking"

2.2. The tools are neatly
2.3. The tools brought to near patient
3. action procedures
  1. View client for signs of hypoxia and the presence of secretions in the airway
  2. hand washing
  3. Lengketkan sign "no smoking" on the door or in the patient's room where it can be seen patients and visitors (paste in a tube O)
  4. Show Canula nasal to the patient and explain the procedure
  5. Make sure the humidifier filled with limits specified in sterile water
  6. Connect the hose O between nasal canule with humidifier
  7. Set the flow rate - the average O accordance with the instructions of the doctor / min. Feel the flow at the end of Canula
  8. Place the tip of Canula into the nostril (breathing) patients
  9. Set up Canula efastis testers actually locked and comfortable and sturdy
  10. Check Canula every 8 hours
  11. Keep the humidifier bottle containing all the time
  12. Observation nostril (lobe, sputum and nasal external) patients and areas above both ears, from the irritation caused by hose Canula, every 6-8 hours
  13. Check the flow rate doctor's instructions 02 and every 8 hours
  14. wash your hands
4. documentation
  • Documented patient response
  • The timing of the nursing assessment
  • Documentation note with clear / easy to read
  • Documentation signed and the full name and clearly