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D. Clinical Manifestations

Mild preeclampsia:
A. Hypertension between 140/90 or an increase in systolic and diastolic 30mmhg/15mmhg.
B. Edema of the feet, hands or face or rising 1kg/minggu BB.
C. Proteinuria 0.3 gr/24 hour or plus 1-2.
D. Oliguria
Severe preeclampsia:
A. Hypertension 160/110mmhg.
B. Proteinuria 5gr/24 hour or plus 4-5.
C. Oliguria 400cc/24 hours.
D. Edema can only be accompanied by cyanosis.
E. Subjective complaints:
  • frontal headache
  • Impaired vision
  • Epigastric pain
A. Symptoms of preeclampsia.
B. With coma or convulsions.
C. Accompanied by IUGR or IUFD intrauterine asphyxia?
F. Diagnostic Examination
Mild preeclampsia: Urine complete
Severe preeclampsia and eclampsia: hemoglobin, hematocrit, complete Urine, uric acid, platelet counts, liver function, kidney function.
Measurement of blood pressures
Examination edema
Fundal height measurement
Inspection fuduskopik
Renal function tests (urea, creatinine)
G. Complication
Below Complications usually occur in preeclampsia and eclampsia:
  1. Solutio placenta
  2. Crummy: kidneys, heart, lungs caused by edema, necrosis of the liver due
  3. Cerebral hemorrhage
  4. Siendrom HELLP: hemolysis, eleved enzyms liver, low platelet
  5. Maternal and fetal deaths.
  6. Hypofibrinogenemia
  7. Eye Disorders
  8. Nekrosif heart.
  9. Renal insufficiency.
  10. Prematurity, dismaturitas, and fetal death intrauterina
H. Management