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5.1 Conclusions 
  1. In the assessment phase is studied medical history, birth history, nutritional history and patterns of patients where all the data in the study obtained from the patient's family because the patient has not been able to speak.
  2. From the data obtained on the assessment of the importance of the several issues of diagnosis keparawatan namely:- Pain- Changes in nutrition less than body requirements- Damage to skin integrity 
  3. In the planning stage is focused on the prevention of pain, changes in nutrition less than body requirements and damage the integrity of the skin due to Asses the most visible problems in patients.
  4. In the implementation phase the author does not get into trouble because of the patient's family cooperative and willing to work with the author. 
  5. At the evaluation stage tercpai purposes only partly because implementations are done only within 3 days so it is too short to reach the goal and it was recommended to continue the implementation of the fatherly family that has been done by the author.

  1. FamilyHaving established the Nursing's. S System Digestive disorders: Post Surgery Colostomy A / i Atresia Ani in the room RB2A Surgery Children's Hospital Human Terrain, the authors suggest the arrival of the patient's family still do control tehadap fatherly operations performed on children, pay attention to child nutrition because good nutrition helps promote healing and give the child immunity, while considering the replacement of a colostomy bag when it is full, and hygiene to minimize the occurrence of infection.
  2. AuthorSuggested to the authors that more references reaching Nursing System in Children with Digestive disorders: Post Surgery Colostomy A / i Atresia Ani thus further expanding the knowledge of the author about colostomy care of children.

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