A. Definition
Atresia ani comes from the Greek word, meaning nothing. Atresia means nutrition or food. In medical terms atresia itself is the absence or closure of a normal body orifice or tubular organ in congenital called jug enclosure.
In other words, the absence of holes in the channel should or tail or body cavity. This can happen because of a congenital disease or occurs later karenaproses that the channel. Atresia ani is not berhubungnya rectum. Atresia ani has another name that is imperforate.
Imperforate anus is complete sodium absorption ratio of embryonic development in the distal intestine (rectum) or the anus closed abnormally.
B. Etiology
Atresia ani may be caused by a miraculous factor is:
- The breakdown of the upper gastrointestinal tract with the anal area so that babies born without anus.
- Failure of growth when the baby was 12 weeks / 3 months.
- The disruption or cessation of development embriologik in the intestine, the distal rectum and urogenital traktur occurring between weeks four to the right of gestation.
C. Pathophysiology
D. Signs and Symptoms
E. Examination of diagnostic
D. Signs and Symptoms
E. Examination of diagnostic
- Physical examination: rectal kepatenan can be done by digital rectal using sekang / fingers.
- Ultrasol and Ctscan to determine the lesion.
F. Medical Management
Colostomy fistula is a surgically created in anatara degan colon and the surface of the abdomen, fistula serves as an artificial anus or making holes / stoma surgery on the colon.
G. Complications kolostomy
Colostomy fistula is a surgically created in anatara degan colon and the surface of the abdomen, fistula serves as an artificial anus or making holes / stoma surgery on the colon.
G. Complications kolostomy
- stoma prolapse (any bias due to obesity)
- Perforation (aibat inaccuracy irrigation stoma)
- stoma retraction
- Infection faecal
- Skin irritation
B. Overview of Nursing
1. Assessment
1.warna colkelat or brownish green in the stool
Normal 2.Konsistensi
1. colour pale pink or red areas on the skin stoma
2. condition skin area around the stoma
Nursing Diagnosis .2
1.warna colkelat or brownish green in the stool
Normal 2.Konsistensi
1. colour pale pink or red areas on the skin stoma
2. condition skin area around the stoma
Nursing Diagnosis .2
- Impaired skin integrity
- Risk of infection
- Changes in nutrition less than body requirements
- High risk of diarrhea / constipation
- Body image disturbance
- Painful
3. Plan
- Gangguan integrity of the skin associated with skin exposure to feces
Expected outcomes:
- The child showed no signs of impaired skin integrity evidenced by skin
I: Tell the parents (the child if required) to use the bag colostomy is banar (right) and safe for the skin, the
skin barrier such as: (Holihesive, stomahesive or comfed).
R: Using the pouch to fit properly, can be a barrier effective for protecting the skin and the effects leustik
feses.Seoran therapist can advising parents about which product best suits your needs anak.popok without
skins usually cause skin damage.
I: Teach parents about the importance of emptying colostomy bag when already filled a quarter or a third part.
R: Let the bag is too full it can increase the risk of leakage at bagI: Tell the parents to change the colostomy bag at least every 24 hours until the skin is healed.R: The changes allow for frequent observation and dilakukaknya
treatment if necessary.
I: Teach parents how to clean the skin around the stoma, by using water or normal saline solution.
R: Removing fese from the skin surface to prevent infection
I: Was there any damage to the skin (characterized by redness or sores), encourage parents to treat the skin
by using methods and medicines bridge the dipesankan doctors, therapists enteroskomal, colostomy care.R: The extent of damage is difficult to determine the specific care required.
2. Risk of infection b / d of contamination incision (the incision) with stool
Expected outcomes:
I: Tell the parents (the child if required) to use the bag colostomy is banar (right) and safe for the skin, the
skin barrier such as: (Holihesive, stomahesive or comfed).
R: Using the pouch to fit properly, can be a barrier effective for protecting the skin and the effects leustik
feses.Seoran therapist can advising parents about which product best suits your needs anak.popok without
skins usually cause skin damage.
I: Teach parents about the importance of emptying colostomy bag when already filled a quarter or a third part.
R: Let the bag is too full it can increase the risk of leakage at bagI: Tell the parents to change the colostomy bag at least every 24 hours until the skin is healed.R: The changes allow for frequent observation and dilakukaknya
treatment if necessary.
I: Teach parents how to clean the skin around the stoma, by using water or normal saline solution.
R: Removing fese from the skin surface to prevent infection
I: Was there any damage to the skin (characterized by redness or sores), encourage parents to treat the skin
by using methods and medicines bridge the dipesankan doctors, therapists enteroskomal, colostomy care.R: The extent of damage is difficult to determine the specific care required.
2. Risk of infection b / d of contamination incision (the incision) with stool
Expected outcomes:
- The child will remain free of infection, can be proved by maintain a normal temperature and does not have a sign - tand edema, induration, and the incision
I: Encourage parents, (child, if necessary) to change the ostomy bag every days until the surgical wound is
full (when covering the wound). Tell parents to change the ostomy immediately if there is a leak when
I: Encourage parents, (child, if necessary) to change the ostomy bag every days until the surgical wound is
full (when covering the wound). Tell parents to change the ostomy immediately if there is a leak when
(Especially important if the barrier and leather bags, partial or complete closing wound.
R: Replacement intimately allow observation of signs of wound- signs of contamination and protracted
contact infeksi.kebocoran skin with feces, can cause skin damage and infections.
I: Give parents understand that they need to assess the surgical wound for
signs of infection, including redness, skin disorders, ulcers, drainage and
increase in body temperature, every time they change purse.
R: Assessment is teraturkemungkinana in early, and prompt treatment of the
3. Changes in nutrition less than body requirements in connection with kolostomy
Expected outcomes:
R: Replacement intimately allow observation of signs of wound- signs of contamination and protracted
contact infeksi.kebocoran skin with feces, can cause skin damage and infections.
I: Give parents understand that they need to assess the surgical wound for
signs of infection, including redness, skin disorders, ulcers, drainage and
increase in body temperature, every time they change purse.
R: Assessment is teraturkemungkinana in early, and prompt treatment of the
3. Changes in nutrition less than body requirements in connection with kolostomy
Expected outcomes:
- Children maintain adequate nutritional intake, as evidenced by eat as much as 80% of all food.
I: Instruct parents to serve children, to eat frequently
R: Serving children often eat, ensuring that children receive adequate nutrition stanpa onefiling on his stomach.
I: Stressing the importance of limiting or avoiding foods from foods that cause gas or diarrhea, including nkubis, spicy foods, nuts, fruit - fruit or fruit juice.
R: Limiting or eliminating these foods, helps to prevent gas that can cause distention and reduced interest in eating.
4. High risk of diarrhea / constipation
Expected outcomes:
I: Instruct parents to serve children, to eat frequently
R: Serving children often eat, ensuring that children receive adequate nutrition stanpa onefiling on his stomach.
I: Stressing the importance of limiting or avoiding foods from foods that cause gas or diarrhea, including nkubis, spicy foods, nuts, fruit - fruit or fruit juice.
R: Limiting or eliminating these foods, helps to prevent gas that can cause distention and reduced interest in eating.
4. High risk of diarrhea / constipation
Expected outcomes:
Children have normal bowel elimination, as evidenced by the movement small intestine and the lack of pain during elimination.
I: tell the parents to deal with a colostomy in the morning
R: Irrigation in the morning, serve to empty the bowel and
membantumencegah constipation in the future.
I: Provides dietary fiber function
R: Diet high in fiber increases stool mass and help prevent constipation
I: Increase your child's intake of fluids, as instructed
R: Increased fluid intake increases the water content in the stool and promote normal elimination.
5. Body image disturbance in connection with a colostomy or ileustomy
Expected outcomes:
I: tell the parents to deal with a colostomy in the morning
R: Irrigation in the morning, serve to empty the bowel and
membantumencegah constipation in the future.
I: Provides dietary fiber function
R: Diet high in fiber increases stool mass and help prevent constipation
I: Increase your child's intake of fluids, as instructed
R: Increased fluid intake increases the water content in the stool and promote normal elimination.
5. Body image disturbance in connection with a colostomy or ileustomy
Expected outcomes:
Children demonstrate improved self-concept, as evidenced by talking about changing colostomy bags and showing increasing interest in self-care.
I: Encourage children to berpartisipasidalam perwawatan himself, advised to replace, or rinsing kolostomy
bags (at least once a day) to prevent odors.
R: Encouragement sort uterus stimulated interest in personal hygiene and appearance, helping to improve
self-concept of children. Replacing or rinse ostomy bag for the day-to-day foul odors that can Prevent the
make children aware early.
I: Encouraging children express feelings
R: Giving children express feelings helps her face body image changes without fear of rejection.
I: Encourage your child to join with children with age appropriate ostomy support groups
R: Promoting meningka support groups, the acceptance and allows children to the experience with others.
6. Pain in relation to incision surgery
Criteria results: - Child states without pain (controlled)
Children were able to rest
Intervention:I: Assess pain, note the location, characteristics, Intensity (0-10)
R: help evaluate the degree of discomfort and ineffectiveness analgesics or may mnytakan occurrence of
I: Encourage the patient to say the problem. Listening actively and about providing support to the reception
given the patient and provide appropriate information.
R: reduction of anxiety / fear can increase relaxation
I: Provide comfort measures (Ex: perwatan mouth, back rub, u Flood assure patients that position: position
I: Encourage children to berpartisipasidalam perwawatan himself, advised to replace, or rinsing kolostomy
bags (at least once a day) to prevent odors.
R: Encouragement sort uterus stimulated interest in personal hygiene and appearance, helping to improve
self-concept of children. Replacing or rinse ostomy bag for the day-to-day foul odors that can Prevent the
make children aware early.
I: Encouraging children express feelings
R: Giving children express feelings helps her face body image changes without fear of rejection.
I: Encourage your child to join with children with age appropriate ostomy support groups
R: Promoting meningka support groups, the acceptance and allows children to the experience with others.
6. Pain in relation to incision surgery
Criteria results: - Child states without pain (controlled)
Children were able to rest
Intervention:I: Assess pain, note the location, characteristics, Intensity (0-10)
R: help evaluate the degree of discomfort and ineffectiveness analgesics or may mnytakan occurrence of
I: Encourage the patient to say the problem. Listening actively and about providing support to the reception
given the patient and provide appropriate information.
R: reduction of anxiety / fear can increase relaxation
I: Provide comfort measures (Ex: perwatan mouth, back rub, u Flood assure patients that position: position
change will not injure stoma
R: to prevent the occurrence of oral mucosal screening and discomfort, lower arm muscles, increase
relaxation, and could drive the rate relaksasidan can meninggkatkan coping abilities.
I: Avoid indakan mempalpasi stoma area
R: Emphasis can increase pain.
R: to prevent the occurrence of oral mucosal screening and discomfort, lower arm muscles, increase
relaxation, and could drive the rate relaksasidan can meninggkatkan coping abilities.
I: Avoid indakan mempalpasi stoma area
R: Emphasis can increase pain.